Deleted scene from an episode of The Dead Possum Inn
Sometimes when you're writing a teleplay, screenplay, or even a novel, you have to cut a scene. Maybe it's because your script is running too long, or because the scene doesn't advance the plot. In this particular case I had to cut the scene for both reasons. It still might make it into another episode later on. There's quite a bit I like about it, particularly because it allows the character Gary (short for Garland) to shine a bit. I really like her character because she brings a lot of optimism and warmth to her scenes. A series full of dark humor like The Dead Possum Inn can use that from time to time. Another reason I like this scene is that it's based on something that actually happened to me at the shitty one star hotel I used to work at. Unfortunately, in my case the guest survived. CUT TO: INT. RED BLOSSOM INN - FRONT DESK - DAY GARY IS SITTING AT THE FRONT DESK READING A BOOK. NARRATOR (voice over) Thanks for comin...